Searching for a job requires Skills. Students who are pursuing professional courses will definitely understand the happiness of getting placed in firms, while they are in their final year in college. Once placed they are going to enjoy the remaining days of the college stress-free. But getting placed or searching for a job can be intimidating for many. Many don't understand how to start, where to start and how to prepare for it. Unfortunately many focus on passing the examination and getting good grades, but just getting good marks is simply not enough.
Before starting the hunt for a job, one needs to maximize the inherent advantages and minimize any constraint. A student will have two possible scenario:
- You had an internship, and you have a full time offer.
- You had an internship, and you have not received a full time offer.
Scenario 1: The happiest moment of your life, when you know, you have a source of income. You are independent, you will earn for yourself and become responsible. But relaxing is not enough. Enjoy the moments but you need to keep doing your part to have a promising career. Two conditions might be observed, either you accept the offer or you decline it.
If you accept -
- Ensure the paperwork of your hiring is done properly.
- Ensure to understand the details necessary to begin working full time.
- Learn more about the company.
- Learn more about the function you are going to do.
- Focus on increasing networks.
- JoinLinkedIn
- Get to know about Entry Level training.
If you decline - This might happen if you find your skills don't match the job's skills. Under such circumstances:
- Start searching for a full time job, you can open an account in,,
- Find Company and industry you are most interested in.
Scenario 2: Now this is a problem. You don't have a job. You were rejected in placement rounds. The question is why you didn't get the job? Perhaps you don't have skills for that particular job. Problem well stated is a problem half solved. If you could state that you were rejected because you lack certain skills, then you would be able to work on it. Many don't know what talents and skills they possess, hence it becomes crucial to rate your own skills. To have an understanding of your skills, you can go through the Self Assessment Test (Download the sheet) and make a study of your skills. Check what are your plus points, work on your negative points.
(Click on the link, and download the Self Assessment Test Worksheet)
Now based on the ratings of your skills, find jobs. Conduct an off campus job search if necessary. Also prepare yourself for the big day, the day when you actually get an interview call.
- Prepare an impressive Self Introduction which must revolve around your skills. Speak positively about the skills. Advertise your own talents, traits and experience.
- Rehearse your Self Introduction, and Answers of the Questions which you feel are basic and could be asked.
- Prepare your own Resume. Highlight your skills in the Resume and update it regularly.
- Research about the company and the position. This would help you to relate your skills with the requirements.
- Talk to your friends regarding any new opportunities.
Again, Searching for a Job is a Skill in itself. Work hard and keep assessing yourself. All the best for your future endeavours...
Good write-up !!!
ReplyDeleteWhat if u r tired of your job and u need a break but there is no option to do so.. ๐
ReplyDeleteMarry might get a long break��