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The citizenship amendment act 2019 this is the act which is providing amendment in the citizenship at 1955. this citizenship amendment act is giving citizenship to migrants from afghanistan, pakistan and bangladesh on ground of religious persecution. It's roughly estimated that 1 crore illegal migrants people will get citizenship.
This at providing indian citizen ship to hindu, sikh, buddhist, jain, parsi and christian who came in india on or before 31st December 2014.
The bill for this act was presented in lok sabha by home min mr amit shah on 10th December 2019 and which was passed by huge margin. later on 11th December it presented in rajya sabha and which was again passed by the rajya sabha. On 12th December 2019 president had given his assent by signing on it.
Assam, bengal, delhi and many more parts of the india are burning, what is reason behind it? let's look one by one!
- This act against the secular structure of the constitution because it is not giving citizenship to the muslim migraines but only some limited religious persons.
- There are two kinds of the posters one who are liberal who don't support any religion but they are against the sharing there resources to these new citizens of the nation, this is the basic reason behind the agitation in assam. Second who art pro testing on the religious don't they are demanding to give distance up to muslim migrants as well.
- In delhi the protest is being done in the support off constitutional right of equality. it means why citizenship is given on the basis of the relation, why the citizenship is not given to the muslim migrants.
- Some muslim people protesting in the support of the Muslim migraines who has not given citizenship. They are demanding it on the moral ground only.
- Some people have fear that is NRC will implemented all the nation then there will be thousands of the muslim living in india out of the NRC list and this is how their citizenship will be taken away or they will also be not given citizenship of India.
In assam muslims are not protesting, but all the citizen of the assam state against this act. they don't have to take any thing from these new citizens nor they have any concerns with any religion. They only just don't want to share there resources with the these religious migrants, who will get citizenship with this recent NRC data collected by the government which shows there were total 19 lakh NON indian In assam out of which 14 lakh are non muslims. and same like asaam there are many other regions where millions on non muslim illegal migrants are there . by this act they all will get citizenship on the india .
Now the point, why to give citizen ship to these people ?
they are living here from last 30-40 years , but as they are not citizens they are not getting any benefits ,as constitution says that citizen only will get rights provided by the welfare schemes of nation .so ensuring their natural human rights they need a citizenship, and india having faith on WASHUDHAIV KUTUMBAKAM (all world is family) it become moral responsibility of india to provide human right to them.
Now the point, why to give citizen ship to these people ?
they are living here from last 30-40 years , but as they are not citizens they are not getting any benefits ,as constitution says that citizen only will get rights provided by the welfare schemes of nation .so ensuring their natural human rights they need a citizenship, and india having faith on WASHUDHAIV KUTUMBAKAM (all world is family) it become moral responsibility of india to provide human right to them.
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