Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Job Search Skills

Searching for a job requires Skills. Students who are pursuing professional courses will definitely understand the happiness of getting placed in firms, while they are in their final year in college. Once placed they are going to enjoy the remaining days of the college stress-free. But getting placed or searching for a job can be intimidating for many. Many don't understand how to start, where to start and how to prepare for it. Unfortunately many focus on passing the examination and getting good grades, but just getting good marks is simply not enough. 

Before starting the hunt for a job, one needs to maximize the inherent advantages and minimize any constraint. A student will have two possible scenario:
  1. You had an internship, and you have a full time offer.

  1. You had an internship, and you have not received a full time offer.

Scenario 1: The happiest moment of your life, when you know, you have a source of income. You are independent, you will earn for yourself and become responsible. But relaxing is not enough. Enjoy the moments but you need to keep doing your part to have a promising career. Two conditions might be observed, either you accept the offer or you decline it.

If you accept -

  • Ensure the paperwork of your hiring is done properly.

  • Ensure to understand the details necessary to begin working full time.

  • Learn more about the company.

  • Learn more about the function you are going to do.

  • Focus on increasing networks.

  • JoinLinkedIn

  • Get to know about Entry Level training.

If you decline - This might happen if you find your skills don't match the job's skills. Under such circumstances:

  • Start searching for a full time job, you can open an account in Naukri.com, Timesjobs.com, monster.com.

  • Find Company and industry you are most interested in.

Scenario 2: Now this is a problem. You don't have a job. You were rejected in placement rounds. The question is why you didn't get the job? Perhaps you don't have skills for that particular job. Problem well stated is a problem half solved. If you could state that you were rejected because you lack certain skills, then you would be able to work on it. Many don't know what talents and skills they possess, hence it becomes crucial to rate your own skills. To have an understanding of your skills, you can go through the Self Assessment Test (Download the sheet) and make a study of your skills. Check what are your plus points, work on your negative points.

(Click on the link, and download the Self Assessment Test Worksheet)

Now based on the ratings of your skills, find jobs. Conduct an off campus job search if necessary. Also prepare yourself for the big day, the day when you actually get an interview call. 

  • Prepare an impressive Self Introduction which must revolve around your skills. Speak positively about the skills. Advertise your own talents, traits and experience.

  • Rehearse your Self Introduction, and Answers of the Questions which you feel are basic and could be asked.

  • Prepare your own Resume. Highlight your skills in the Resume and update it regularly.

  • Research about the company and the position. This would help you to relate your skills with the requirements.

  • Talk to your friends regarding any new opportunities.

Again, Searching for a Job is a Skill in itself. Work hard and keep assessing yourself. All the best for your future endeavours...


Tears of Constitution

Tears Of The Constitution 

 Today we are celebrating 70th constitutional day  on this day we have adopted our constitution which was created by the Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar. all the constitution in the world had been studied to make our constitution and To make our constitution a living constitution,to make our constitution a leading constitution of the world, so that this constitution could satisfy the need of every class, every religion,every citizen of our country. So that it could  satisfy all the progressive need of the future Nation. with this constitution he has a dream to make India one of the greatest country on this earth. 

Making of the Constitution is not overnight story it took years and years To  come on this form. Its story starts from War of the Plassey 1757 and then War of the Buxar 1764 when India came in the control of the Britishers. After having control on India to relate it They brought regulating act 1773 under which day introduced Governor system of Administration introduced Supreme Court at Calcutta letter act of settlement 1781, Pitt's India Act 1784, charter act 1793, charter act 1813, charter act 1833, charter act 1853,  Government of India Act 1858, Indian Council act 1861, act of 1873, Indian Council act 1892 Indian Council act 1909, Government of India Act 1919, Government of India Act 1935, Indian Independence Act 1947.

Constitution assembly of India 1946

It had 7 number of the constitutional committees of which the drafting committee was very important they have given responsibility to make a draft of the constitution and Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was made chairman of this committee. 

Constitution committee started working on 13th December 1946 after the the letter of object by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Since then they work tirelessly for 2 years 11 months and 18 days to make final draught of the constitution which was passed on 26 November 1949. they made a massive constitution with 395 article it schedule and 12 parts no more than 450 article driver schedule and 22 parts. Our constitution is the biggest written democratic ,republic  sovarian, secular constitution of the world. It adopted some principles like parliamentary form of government, federal system, balance between parliamentary sovereignty and judicial supremacy, unified and independent judiciary, fundamental right for its season, that rupees prepared policies, fundamental duties secular state adults suffrage, single citizenship independent bodies like election commission, upsc psc,emergency provisions, three tire form of government etc.

The makers of the constitution and constitution itself had view of progressive dream for the india. They had a dream equal political  economical, social, judicial rights for all the citizen of the nation, and fulfill the needs of the people of the nation like food, education, employment, security and safety, good health, good atmosphere to leave in , equality among all the classes of the society, opportunity to everyone , right to faith, But even after 70 years we could only be 2.6 million dollar economy.

And today what we see

1.Uncontrollable population
2.A poor and  weak economy 
3. unemployment
4.poor education
5.No food
6.No place to live in
7.Centralisation of wealth
9.No employment 
10.No social security 
11. no freedom of expression 
12.We could not develop scientific temper 

And Many more

I wanted to write something very positive about India and its mother " the constitution of India " but unfortunately I don't see that much positive effect of this constitution or in other words the Government of our nation had been not that much effective, strong to lay on the constitutional norms and principles. Whatever is happening or government or government parties are doing is for the power only. Nobody not a single institution is taking responsibility of anything.

The political parties which have no value , witch have no faith on the constitution, which have no patriotism. they  all have fake values to show but not to perform. When they come true power they only make path for next election. The constitution clearly made it clear through directive principles of state policy  in which direction for how government should work, is given. unfortunately no government care about it. If we cannot walk on high values of the constitution makers and constitution, how could we achieve high goal for our nation which is setup by the constitution maker and by the constitution itself.

ओ मेरे गरीब मध्य प्रदेश!

मध्यप्रदेश खनिज उत्पादन की दृष्टि से देश में अग्रणी स्थान रखता है। संयुक्त रूप से देश की जीडीपी में योगदान में से प्रदेश का चौथा स्थान है। मध्य प्रदेश देश का चौथा सबसे बड़ा कोयला उत्पादक राज्य है। राज्य में तांबा और मैग्नीज देश में सबसे अधिक उत्पादन होता है। मध्य प्रदेश  खनिज भंडार की दृष्टि से देश में तीसरा स्थान रखता है। जबकि खनिज उत्पादन में मध्यप्रदेश देश में टॉप 8 स्टेट में आता है। हमारे प्रदेश में कुल 30 प्रकार के खनिज पाए जाते हैं जिसमें से मात्र 20 प्रकार खनिजों का ही दोहन हम कर पा रहे हैं। जबकि प्रदेश में मध्यप्रदेश खनिज निगम की स्थापना 19 जनवरी 1962 को की गई थी एवं वर्तमान खनिज नीति 1995 में बनाई गई थी। इस हिसाब से अब तक खनिजों के उत्पादन एवं उसके दोहन में प्रदेश का दुनिया भर में नाम होना चाहिए था। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं हुआ। प्रदेश की जीडीपी में खनिजों का योगदान 3.5% यानी कि लगभग 6 से 7 हजार करोड़ के बीच है।

राज्य में लौह अयस्क के विशाल भंडार है। देश का एकमात्र राज्य  स्लेट हो पालन होता है। मध्य प्रदेश की नई खनिज नीति 2010 में लागू की गई है मध्य प्रदेश के कुल मैगनीज का 50% भंडार है देश के कुल तांबा उत्पादन का 22% उत्पादन मध्य प्रदेश होता है । लौह अयस्क उत्पादन में प्रदेश का देश में पांचवा स्थान है। इस हिसाब से हम अपने ही अयस्क का इस्तेमाल करके प्रचुर मात्रा में स्टील का उत्पादन प्रदेश में कर सकते हैं लेकिन ऐसा नहीं हो रहा।
कोयले को उद्योग की जननी व शक्ति का प्रतीक माना जाता है मध्यप्रदेश के कोयला भंडारों का उपयोग आगामी 600 वर्षों तक किया जा सकता है। मध्यप्रदेश में बॉक्साइट का प्रचुर मात्रा में उत्पादन होता है इसके बाद भी एलुमिनियम निर्माण के लिए प्रदेश में कोई फैक्ट्री नहीं है। प्रदेश से बड़ी मात्रा में मगेनीज अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन, जर्मनी, जापान और रूस जैसे देशों को निर्यात किया जाता है। प्रदेश के लौह अयस्क का निर्यात जर्मनी और जापान जैसे देशों को किया जाता है। स्पष्ट है कि मध्य प्रदेश खनिज संपदा में अपने आप में प्रचुर भंडारण रखते हुए देश में औद्योगिक विकास की अच्छी संभावना  है बावजूद इसके प्रदेश में औद्योगिक विस्तार नहीं हुआ है। अतः यह देश में औद्योगिक दृष्टि से पिछड़ा राज्य कहा जाता है।

मध्यप्रदेश में उद्योगों की स्थापना उन्नीसवीं सदी के प्रारंभ में अंग्रेजों द्वारा मध्य प्रदेश की भौगोलिक स्थिति यानी कि इसका देश के बीचो-बीच होना जिस वजह से देश के किसी भी भाग में उत्पादित वस्तु आसानी से कहीं भी भेजी जा सकती है। इसीलिए सन उन्नीस सौ चार से ही  मध्य प्रदेश को औद्योगिक रूप से  अंग्रेजों द्वारा स्थापित किया जाने लगा था  स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के बाद  आज  70 साल से ज्यादा हो गए हैं  लेकिन उसने कारखाने  नहीं लग सके  जितने की अंग्रेजों ने  स्वतंत्रता  प्राप्ति के पहले  मध्यप्रदेश में स्थापित किए थे। मध्य प्रदेश की प्रथम औद्योगिक नीति 1972 में घोषित हुई थी जिस के स्थान पर वर्तमान में नवीन औद्योगिक संवर्धन नीति 2014 लागू की गई है। इतना विशाल खनिज भंडार होने के बाद भी देश में पीतमपुर, मेघनगर, मुरैना पन्ना, मनेरी मंडला, पीलूखेड़ी राजगढ़ और मालनपुर भिंड यही क्षेत्र औद्योगिक केंद्र के रूप में स्थापित किए गए हैं। जो कि मध्यम आकार के ही हैं। मध्यप्रदेश में खनिज, मानव बल, प्राकृतिक अधोसंरचना, मौसम , पानी की उपलब्धता को देखते हुए उद्योगों की स्थापना की जा सकती है लेकिन यह क्रमिक रूप से आने वाली सरकारों की विफलता ही रही है की यहां पर उद्योगों की स्थापना बहुत ही कम है। स्थिति यह है कि आज हम अपने कच्चे माल को विदेशों में निर्यात करते हैं और बाद में उन्हीं कच्चे माल से निर्मित वस्तुएं जैसे जापान से स्टील, अमेरिका व जर्मनी से विद्युत के सामान आदि को कई गुना अधिक दाम पर निर्यात करते हैं। यह देश की अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए यह बहुत ही भयावह स्थिति है। जब हमारे देश की पूंजी बाहर जाएगी तो हमारे देश की आर्थिक स्थिति लागातार कमजोर होगी, देश की आर्थिक स्थिति को बढ़ावा देने के लिए एक मजबूत राजनीतिक इच्छाशक्ति की आवश्यकता है।

दुर्भाग्यवश हमारे देश के राजनेताओं की इच्छाशक्ति सिर्फ और सिर्फ वोट और सत्ता की कुर्सी के तरफ ही घूमती रही है। उन्होंने इससे बढ़कर देश के लिए कुछ भी नहीं सोचा।

Monday, November 25, 2019

ज्ञान बह रहा है जरा संभल कर

सतयुग, द्वापर युग, त्रेता युग और अब आया है इंटरनेट युग!  ज्ञान का युग! ज्ञान का भंडार इतना कि इसे ग्रहण करने वालों की कमी है, पर देने वालों की कमी नहीं है, पर हैरत की बात है इतने ज्ञानी पुरुषों के होने के बाद भी हमारे देश की समस्याएं कम नहीं हो रही है। यह वही  ज्ञानी लोग हैं जिनके पास आपके हर सवाल का जवाब और आपके हर विचार पर प्रतिक्रिया देने का ज्ञान होता है। राजनीतिक मुद्दों से लेकर किचन में बनने वाली रेसिपी तक -विशिष्ट ज्ञानियों के सुझावों की कमी नहीं है। हिदायतों की तो हद ही नहीं, व्हाट्सएप -फेसबुक पर आपको क्या करें या क्या ना करें की फेहरिस्त मिल जाएगी। कभी-कभी आभास होता है कि विचार की अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार है शायद इन्हें विशिष्ट रूप से दिया गया है और यह उसका उपयोग भी बखूबी कर रहे हैं फिर सोशल मीडिया की तकनीकी क्रांति ने सोने पर सुहागा का काम किया और थमा दिया सब के हाथों में हथियार जो ब्रह्मास्त्र से कम नहीं है और यह प्रजाति इस वरदान को व्यर्थ कैसे जाने दे, तो बांट रहे हैं मुफ्त का ज्ञान! अरे भाई, वह भी निष्ठा पूर्वक, अपने मूल कर्तव्य परायणता के साथ। परायणता के साक्ष्य तो दिखाएं, जिस दिन  ज्ञान के दो -तीन गोले ना फेंक दें तो चैन कहां और अगर चूक गए तो रेंटेक की गोलियां खानी पड़ जाए। काश इन  ज्ञान की नदियों में कोई फिल्टर  होता या इनकी सत्यता जांचने का उपकरण, जिसे जांचने के ही बाद लोग उस पर अमल करते,  ना की धृतराष्ट्र की तरह उस पर विश्वास करते।

खैर अब ज्ञानी कौम को इनका काम करने दीजिए बहुत ही व्यस्त हैं। मार्केट में बहुत वर्क लोड है, और कंपटीशन भी, कि कौन कितना ज्यादा ज्ञान बाटेगा। बस आप सावधान रहिए ज्ञान की नदियों का बहाव तेज है, तैरना सीख लीजिए बहने के मौके संभवतः  ज्यादा है।

Friday, November 22, 2019

"Oh Stree Kal AANA"

In a country where people in villages disown Girl child and shout out loud "Oh Stree Mat AANA" (here a change in Kal for a Different literal meaning) , a Dutch multinational firm named Dutch State Mines (DSM), functional for nutritional awareness, has started a campaign for the well being of Women in India. DSM launched "Project Streedhan" on Dhanteras, urging all women to invest in Iron rather than on Gold, saying "Loha Chakh Le" to all women to beat Anemia.

According to a survey, 50% of women in India are fighting with the deficiency of Iron, making them anaemic. To make women aware about it, an advert was created by advertising agency FCB ulka, in which women in traditional attire were consuming Iron rich fruits and vegetables. 

A note "To all women" - Let us understand, A woman, a girl, spent 1.6 mg of Iron on a monthly basis. Possibility of "Loss" can be experienced if a certain investment is not done, which might lead to a "Recession" of Iron in blood. A fixed amount of EMI ( Equated Monthly "Iron") by consuming Iron rich food, if invested in body will reduce the bodily risk of Anemia. 

Buying "Commodities" rich in iron (Spinach, Pomegranate, Banana Flowers etc), consuming it will increase "Health Liquidity" (iron converting into Haemoglobin). This will also certainly increase your Iron content in blood, making you look more magnetic (Knowing the affinity of Iron for Magnet,😉, jokes apart, it will bring glow on your skin). Also learn how to trade Iron with your female friends and promote Iron consuming by offering your Iron stocks with them while sharing your lunch or dinner. Trading your stocks with your friends will help increase awareness among the female circle. 

A remarkable initiative by a Dutch Company for women in India, a commendable awareness scheme to credit Iron in "Blood Bank" of a Woman's Body. Go invest in Iron, it is a profit highly recommended.

*Investments in Iron is NOT subjected to any health risk, please do not waste your time reading terms and conditions and start eating Iron rich foods immediately as you understand*.

By  "Me" for "You"

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jawaharlal University JNU home of protesters

JNU protest

It has been more than one week and still JNU students are protesting continuously for the demand of roll back of the fees which is increased by the JNU administration. The protests which started from the campus of the college, has now spread to the road of the Delhi lutiyans . Yesterday, a disabled blind person, Panday was taking part in peaceful protest he alleged that the some of the Delhi Police personnel manhandled him separately and was beaten for taking part in protest. Which has become an issue for Delhi Police after the Delhi police and Delhi advocate conflict. On the other hand police has lodged an FIR against many of the JNU protesting students.

Jawaharlal Nehru University has a glorious past. The university was established in 1969 22 April and the responsibility of making a Global University given to its first chancellor VK Saraswat and Vice Chancellor Jagdish Kumar. Recently from past 10 years the thought of University Campus has become anti government And has leaned towards the thought of the right, wing which has an image of Marxist revolution. University Campus has been the home of the protest, some say it is the home of people having extreme thought while student defending say that they do debate on all relevant political issues, social issues, economic issues or any other important issue of the national and international level where there is a violation of the rule of law or human rights or which is unjust or

 which is against the environment.some protests are…

In 2000, the offices of the Army were beaten up by the students who were protesting in support of Pakistan and reciting poems written by the Pakistani writers.
In 2010 a meeting was called by the students of JNU to celebrate the Killing of the 76 CRPF personnel in Chhattisgarh by the maoist.

Rainbow walk- this protest was in support of LGBT community

Sedition case- in February 2016 a cultural night was organised by the students of the JNU where the slogan has been raised in support of execution of mastermind of the Sansad attack Afzal Guru and anti Indian slogan as well as "Pakistan zindabad Kashmir Ki Azadi Tak Jung Chalegi Bharat ki barbadi Tak Jung chalegi". An FIR was registered against the protesting students.

On one hand  the University has blamed for  Anti National activities  and on the other hand The alumni of the university today holding Important political bureaucratic position like, member of the Communist Party of India Prakash Karat, present finance minister Nirmala sitharaman, foreign minister S Jaishankar, economics Nobel awardee Abhijit Banerjee, Amitabh Kant CEO Niti Aayog, and current big political name is Kanhaiya Kumar and many more.

peaceful protest is the fundamental right of every one,,gandhi said " i might not be agree with your though but i always respect your thought of expression" we all including government have to be liberal about the youth protests as they are the future of the nation ,only anti national things can not be allowed.

the famous Ganga Dhaba of JNU which is know as te mini sansad,where all student from all streams do long long discussion on all the related and current issue .this is the institute where 80% of student are from economically weak background they need support .it should be Government`s policy to make education less expansive so that every one could get quality education ,as it is mentioned in our constitution ,as per the will of our constitution.        

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Salute to men ,on Int Men`s Day

#International Men's Day in the month of No Shave November…

It's the Masculine Month, and the day is 19th November when the world is acknowledging all the Responsible Men on International Men's Day. An invigorating way to celebrate the Genteel attributes of Gentlemen. A warm day to start with some International Men's Day quotes and some gifts. And why not, they deserve it. 

You know when a child is born, the first thing a doctor and nurses do is to pat the back of the kid. Somehow that first touch of patting gets entrenched in the psychological built of a person. So much so that it brings a feeling of calmness when sad, a feeling of confidence during stress and it may amplify the morale when something is achieved. International Men's Day is another way to boost the zeal of all responsible men, just like patting. A man who is a brother, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, an important citizen, an employee who works day and night for his family, to bring bread on the table, will definitely embrace the statement "I am proud of you and you are doing very well".  

Some quotes to brighten up the day..

Let's celebrate the worth, Let's make it important.
Stay blessed....

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pain of RaGa

Pain of RaGa: Understand, What is Nepotism?

Well, we all know Favouritism is an age long practice in almost every sector of work. We can see examples of Nepotism in Bollywood, Politics, Government Jobs, and in almost all the spheres where people are getting the respective platforms just because they are privileged enough to get them as a Legacy.

If Nepotism can be a blessing,then it can be a Pain too. How? Sometimes, it is up to the person whether he/she wants to accept the help and favour of getting a chance to prove their aptitude, or wants to prove himself/herself on his or her own talent in an entirely different field. There are some who failed to prove themselves as their fathers and then there are some who are really talented and hence are celebrated because they deserve. But then there are some who have no choice. They are bound to accept the pedestal provided by the family and the people, so that the ancestral legacy lives. 

"That" person who is bound to carry the heavy responsibility of keeping the name alive might have a different Knack in a completely different area or field or work. He might have different talents or interests or he might want to embark on a different ship of erudition. But he simply can not pursue his interests, because he has to maintain the name of his ancestry, which has an important history. A history which involves his Great Grandfather, Grandmother, his own Father. He simply cannot deny (even if he wants to) that people of this country still celebrate his Great Grandfather's birthday every year in every school. History of his family is so rich, that he can not have a life which he could formulate on his own.

A political life forcefully imposed, or else why then a person will not take care of his preparatory steps of making speeches, of media interaction or of any other activity that would demand his awareness? Why the attempts are so frivolous? Why would he suffer the trolls he is facing? Why would he bear the derision on a national level, which after all takes heart.  If politics had been his dream, he would have put his heart and soul into it, which in his case is apparently missing. 

Is there something else that he wants to do? Has he got a different dream that he wants to live? Or this so called fame and legacy is forced on him. Sometimes it is important to empathize and try to understand whose fault is it? Is he himself responsible or is it just the battery of people who are forcing him to take charge without his will?

Same goes with so many...

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Are you a new Cook?

The only thing I could do in the kitchen was to search for snacks in containers and boxes for munching. I did not enjoy cooking that much. It was never in my area of interest. Only once or twice in a year, it would happen when I would try to cook something, a simple praise hunting strategy you know, you cook food and parents would behave as if they are eating some choicest food in a good starred hotel. This would give you a good boost for a few days and that is all. But then time comes, when you have to keep your leisure at a side and become responsible enough to cook food not only for yourself but for your entire family. 

When you enter a new family, you design a new life for yourself and for others. You would want to meet all the expectations. You would like to go to any length to keep everyone happy. Cooking food and to satisfy everyone's taste buds are basic and essential part of all this. 

Straight, cooking Indian food is difficult. Culinary skills to cook food require Balance and Patience. You have to understand the importance of Balance of Spices. Learning balance of spices, might snatch the balance out of your life. In my case, I would dream of cooking food, spend hours thinking of cooking food, that much it had affected me.

But when you really put your mind to it and cook daily, you will start observing the minute essentialities of this art. Like, whatever you cook, you will understand that Tomato is the king. When you add the tomatoes to the hot pan, immediately they release juice which then mixes with other ingredients and accentuate the delicacy.  Another very basic addition while cooking for bringing balance to the dish is adding a teaspoon of Sugar. Adding Sugar in the end will balance the entire taste of food by helping the main ingredient to ADSORB (and not absorb) spices. BUT the primary key to cook a delicacy is to cook it on a simmer flame. Yes, that is actually the vital lesson to learn, to keep the food to cook on a very low flame. When you do this, you understand that this culminating part of cooking on a simmer flame requires a pinch of Patience. And that makes it perfect (mine of course is next to perfect).

If you are a new Cook, focus on Balance and Patience. Do not cook in a hurry. Or else you might end up becoming a reason of dismal looks.

Yoga and its Benefits

आज जीवन जीना आसान नहीं रह गया है। न जाने किस किस प्रकार के काम होते है एक इंसान को ,काम,बहार का काम ,ऑफिस का काम ,बीवी की चिक चिक गर्लफ्रेंड की खिच खिच ,बॉस की तानाशाही तो जूनियर की मन मर्जी ,लेदेके हर काम की जिम्मेदारी आप के ऊपर ही आना है ऐसे में मना कर नहीं सकते ,इस लिए तनाव युक्त एवं अनफिट रहना मना  है। 

बस इसी  बात को ध्यान में रख कर आप 2100 सदी को दिशा देने वाले साहसी लोगो  के ;लिए योग की ये कुछ आसन बहुत  जरूरी है जिस से की रोगो से दूर रहते हुए सरे काम किये जा सके।  वैसे तो आसन के लिए सवेरे का समय उत्तम  है लेकिन खली पेट शाम को भी किया जा  सकता है। 
आप से आग्रह है की इन योग आसन को अपनी दिनचर्या का हिस्सा बनाये। ..
अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप हमसे संपर्क कर सकते है। .

चंद्रयान 3 की सफल लैंडिंग

चंदा मामा दूर के नहीं अब चंदा मामा टूर के हो गए हैं बड़ा ही भावुक समय था चंद्रयान को चंद्रमा की धरती पर लैंड करते हुए देखना, पहल...