Thursday, September 26, 2019

Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Tumhara To Sur Bane Hamara

Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Tumhara To Sur Bane Hamara

The above mentioned sentence which I am not only listening but learning since my childhood. This was the time when I started to learn what is India, what is integrity of the nation, what is equality, what is togetherness, what is unity and what is true success of the nation.  old song  new song

Song shown  in the link you can see both old one and new song which will show you time has passed. Nearly after 3 decade most of the caesars of the song are new. There is new music the time spam went to 10 minute from earlier 7 minutes. The video qualities is better.. in this video you will see almost all the,  language, religion, attire, musical diversity and much more diversity of our great indian society. you can see stages of Indian development, you can see many faces who are behind the development nation. 
Today india is a big country, a country with more than 1.3 billion population, a country with more than 2.6 trillion size of economy, a country which represents one of the biggest consumer market of the world, a  country which is world's future hope for development, for piece of the world, for unity brother hood and multiple colour of the world. 

Today all the world hope from us. But here in india i see people are talking about their religion, differences between the religion, the differences between the cast, differences between their faith, my dear brother we have to remember that we are related to each other because we take our fruits, food, water from this great land of india, Air from the atmosphere of india. We are nourished by the land of the great Bharat, what does it means., yes it's means that we are different individual but our identity is  same, we are having same blood in our vein ,we are integrated to each other, we are dedicated to take this indian flag to the highest grade of development. We have to forget our differences ,it should be only one thing that we all are bhartiy, if nation grows only then we can grow. 

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