Sunday, October 18, 2020

how you loose your focus

focus is the key of succes .the person who have good fucus skill he can achieve many goal in life .it become very easy to get every thing you want to get. so make your all life a focus ful life ,bhagati Zindagi is strating series of the FOCUS .it will be published one by one and also we will be covering your question and answers regarting this life chanding isse 

 So here first of all i am going to tell you . the key of the focus is  the empty mug it means you need to have a ming without any stress, a ming in a relax condetion , you need to learn that stress is the part of the life and you dont have to bother of it. stress comes and go . if our mind is stress free . you got the first key to make your life a HEAVEN.

चंद्रयान 3 की सफल लैंडिंग

चंदा मामा दूर के नहीं अब चंदा मामा टूर के हो गए हैं बड़ा ही भावुक समय था चंद्रयान को चंद्रमा की धरती पर लैंड करते हुए देखना, पहल...